What are the signs God is transitioning you?
Because sometimes we meander along in this life, happy and content and confident in the path God has shown us.
Then all of a sudden, when we least expect it, we just aren’t quite as sure as we used to be.
Know what I mean?
This happened to our family not too long ago.
You see, once upon a time, I believed we would always be a homeschooling family.
Not because I thought homeschooling was God’s plan for every Christian family, but because I felt so strongly that it was what He wanted for our family, and I had a hard time imagining anything different.
But then our family circumstances began to change, and my husband and I began to wonder…
Is God redirecting us?
Does He have a different plan for us during this season?
How do we decide between continuing to homeschool and enrolling our kids in school?
Both options are good. But which one is better?
Most importantly, which one is His best for us at this point in time?
So we debated both options back and forth. We discussed. We evaluated. And we covered the whole process in lots and lots of prayer.
You probably know you need to pray for God’s direction. But…how? If you want some help with this, I’d love to send you this FREE pack of 10 Scripture cards for God’s direction. They’re perfect for encouragement, meditation, and prayer. Click here to get access!
God’s leading soon became clear. What started as questioning became unwavering certainty that God was, in fact, redirecting us toward Christian school.
How did we know? What did God’s leading look like? Looking back, I can see a few things in particular, so I’d like to share these five signs God is transitioning you.
(A word of caution: I don’t think any of these five clues would have been sufficient on their own to warrant such a drastic change in direction, but the compilation of all five made God’s leading undeniable in our situation.)
5 Signs God is Transitioning You
1.)God’s equipping changes.
God always equips us to do what He calls us to do. So when the supernatural supply starts to dwindle, it’s time to evaluate whether His calling has shifted.
In this particular decision for our family, while the intense special needs of our three foster children required more and more of our time and attention, the academic needs of our three biological children were also heightening.
2.)A persistent thought.
For believers who are walking closely with the Lord, His Spirit has a way of repeatedly nudging our minds as a way of directing us.
This can come in many forms, but if it’s continuous over a significant period of time (and in tandem with other clues), it’s likely that God is revealing His will.
3.)The feelings of others involved.
When we were homeschooling, my kids were completely happy, and would’ve balked at the idea of attending school. But without even knowing their parents were praying about a potential transition, our kids began to show an interest in attending the Christian school affiliated with our church.
How kind our God is, to work in the hearts of our children as He’s working in our own!
4.)Passions shift.
I still wholeheartedly believe that homeschool is a wonderful means of educating children, and those years I was able to homeschool will always be deeply cherished in my heart.
But as God fanned the flames of my passion for foster parenting and writing, He allowed my passion for homeschooling my children to dwindle.
5.)Confirmation of godly counsel.
Proverbs 11:14 tells us: “Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.”
As we shared this experience with trusted family members and close friends, they were able to pose questions we hadn’t considered, and to ultimately confirm their agreement that our decision was sound.
Tip: Prayer is always a critical part of this process, and my prayer strategy involves using prayer cards that I post around my home and place in my Bible to pray during my time with God. Here’s a sample one from our FREE Scripture Card Pack with Bible verses for God’s direction. Click here to get your own set.
Stepping Out In Faith
While this collection of clues led us to what we believed was a solid choice, making a change like this still required us to step out in faith. God didn’t write an answer in the sky or tattoo it on the foreheads of our children.
And so before the decision was final, there came a time when we claimed the truth of Proverbs 3:5-6, and prayed something like this:
“Father, You know that we just want to honor You with this decision. We long to ensure that Your will is accomplished in this matter.
We believe this is the direction in which You’re leading us, but if we’re wrong, we’re trusting You to prevent us from continuing on this path.
Please lead us as You’ve promised to do when we acknowledge You.”
Before you go, don’t forget to grab your own FREE Scripture card pack to equip you in prayer for God’s direction.
Simply fill out the form below, then be sure to check your inbox!
Jen says
This is so timely for me, Jennifer! We’re contemplating some changes in our family, too, not necessarily related to schooling, but related to my husband’s work and possibly how I spend some of my time, as well. I believe the Lord has been prodding us for some time now, but that leap of faith has been somewhat intimidating. 😉 Thanks for encouraging us to keep praying for His wisdom.
Jennifer Clarke says
Hey there, sweet friend! Thanks so much for sharing how this encouraged you today. I will pray right now for God’s clear leading, and for your faithful obedience.
Pippa says
Thank you so much for a great article. I am in the process of changing jobs and I believe God has been leading me each step, changing my heart, providing opportunities, closing doors that needed closing. I need to lean on him now as the change goes through and trust that ‘I can do all things through him who strengthens me.’ phillipians 4:13
Jennifer Clarke says
We have such a faithful Father, to lead us so gently! Thank you for taking the time to share how this encouraged you. I pray for His continued guidance in your life as you trust in Him.
Holli says
My family is in a very painful season right now. We need God’s guidance to get our family closer to Him.
Jennifer Clarke says
Hello, Holli, and thank you for sharing your heart here. I will lift you and your family to the Lord in prayer, asking Him to grant you both comfort and direction.
Oyiza says
Praying for you
Jennifer Clarke says
Thank you so much, friend.
Amanda says
My name is Amanda and I am trying to figure out what direction to go. I am really struggling. I am looking for answers. I feel it is hard to hear God in this area. I have no where to turn, I do not want to go to another Shelter. I need a good job. So I can provide for my self. I feel like God has me in isolation. Though. Anyway I need prayer if at all possible. God bless you and your family.
Jennifer Clarke says
Hi, Amanda, and thank you for sharing so transparently here. I’m honored to pray for you, asking the Lord to direct your path and to strengthen your faith during this season. You aren’t the only one who has felt at times as though God is distant; even the psalmist refers to this in Psalm 10. I will pray that God will strengthen your heart and incline His ear to you.
Liz says
I hope by now things are looking up for you. I prayed for you anyway as the Lord led.
Jessica lang says
This was so perfect for me today! You see..
My husband and I were given a business a little over a year ago. It was perfect for us at the time because we were expecting our first child and it was so important for me to be able to stay at home, but still contribute to our family. For some time now, I have been fighting this thought in the back of my mind, that we are supposed to give back the business to the original owner. This made me mad, as I had put so much work into this with little reward. So I prayed and prayed… And prayed.. And one great nap with my son revealed a dream to me that pretty much answered my prayers… “leave it! And walk with me! ” this is what God said. When I read this article, I realized all 5 signs had been fulfilled and all that was getting in the way was me!… As usual 😉
Thank you for sharing your testimony and advice! Your kids are blessed to have parents who put God first! You are teaching them all to be great warriors for God’s army and this world will benefit greatly because of it. 🙂
Jennifer Clarke says
Hello, Jessica, and welcome! Thank you for reading, and for taking the time to encourage me by sharing your experience. May God continue to guide your every step as you trust in Him!
Linda Bell says
We pray that GOD would give us a answer on my husband foot about getting a second opinion or what to do .He was in pain for 6 months with a sore it was getting better then worse they want to amputate it .We was so didn’t know what was best for him so we prayed let your will be knew .The next day he was running a fever and was rusted to the hospital and they did amputate but he feel like his old self so We praise the LORD for our answer pray to do what’s best for our life’s
Jennifer Clarke says
Linda, thank you for taking the time to share this with me today. I’m so thankful the Lord guided you and your husband in what was best for this particular situation. I’m glad your husband has experienced relief from his pain, and I will pray for his continued healing.
Kristen says
This possibility has been flowing through my heart and mind as well…times are changing for us I’m sure of that.
My husband is a worship music minister at our church which we have been at for a number of years. We have faced waves of uncertainty in the last few weeks as our pastor has resigned. This event accompanied by a few other things has drawn us to trust mightily in God, especially in His timing of events.
We feel a change in direction is on the horizon, we just don’t know what that change is or in what form or capacity it might take. Our whole church body seems to facing these choices also at the exact same time.
So we are waiting on what that change might be. In the meantime we are praying and seeking God.
Jennifer Clarke says
Hi, Kristen! Thanks so much for taking the time to share this with me. I will take a moment tonight to pray for your family, that the Lord would lead you tenderly and grant you patience to wait for His timing.
Kristin says
Thank you so much for sharing this. My husband and I have had it on our hearts about quitting our jobs and moving. We’ve had many confirmations from God about this, but we are waiting on his leading with moving forward on His timing. Sometimes while waiting on His timing, doubt can creep in. But this was another great confirmation.
Jennifer Clarke says
I’m glad this resonated with you, Kristin. Praying for clear direction from our loving Father for you and your husband.
Solomon Emmanuel Illuma says
Thank you so much for sharing this, my life is truly bless by this. More grace and may God reward and honour You Amen.
My life is given a new direction. Thank You Ma
Jennifer Clarke says
I’m so glad this was an encouragement to you! Thank you for taking the time to let me know.
Toni says
Aloha Jennifer, homeschooling my children have been on my mind for some time now since we move. i just happened to click on this and you are talking about homeschooling. Yesterday, my children brought home their report cards for the 2nd quarter and it wasn’t pleasant. And so, homeschooling have been heavy on mind. The school my children, ages 9 and 6, attend is ranked fairly low in our state. I don’t blame the school or anyone but myself for my children’s poor performance in school. I have people in my church telling me homeschooling is the best way to educate my kids for the area we live in now. I fear I don’t know where to start or what if i do a very bad job homeschooling my kids. I know God made me read this to find what He wants me to do. Thank you Jenniffer for this.
Jennifer Clarke says
Hello, Toni, and welcome! Thank you so much for visiting my blog, and for taking the time to get in touch. Our children’s education is a big responsibility, isn’t it? I will pray that God would lead you and guide you as you seek His will about homeschooling.
You might find this post helpful. This site is owned by a godly couple, friends of mine who homeschool their children, so they’re very trustworthy and spend a lot of time writing about homeschooling on their website.
I appreciate your desire to honor the Lord as you raise your children. May He give you much wisdom to discern His will!
June says
Great advice, Jennifer. Thank you for sharing how God worked in your life and the life of your family!
Jennifer Clarke says
Thanks for stopping by, June!
Tracy says
I would say if I didn’t know our Father better that I happened upon this article on accident. However, I know God lead me here. See I’ve been seeking God for comfirmation on changing fields. I changed my major and things were going well and in comes the enemy with doubt. But I now understand that God tugging on my heart that started back when my sister passed was him preparing me for this field. I know it’s Him because I will have the opportunity to share Him with others. Thank you so much for the 5 signs I now know I’m on the right track.
Jennifer Clarke says
Hi, Tracy, and welcome! Thanks so much for letting me know how God has used this post in your life. I will pray that God will continue to lead you as you look to Him for guidance. May He make your paths straight as you acknowledge Him!
Timothy says
Wow! Jennifer, this is very encouraging to me as i have been battling with a decision and some of things you are part of my experience. I am truly blessed by what you shared thanks a lot.
Jennifer Clarke says
Hi, Timothy! Thanks so much for reading, and for sharing with me how this post has helped you. I will pray that God would continue to grant His guidance as you seek His will.
Jill says
Within the past year my mother passed through the veil very suddenly and unexpectedly and then a few weeks later we lost our home in the flood. My sister and I now find ourselves so spiritually lost and utterly directionless and bewildered. We’re in a dessert with no clue if eguch direction to go. This could not have come for us at a better time. We want nothing more than to be in alignment with God’s will and perfect plan for our lives but somehow we have always felt that we’ve failed miserably at discerning His direction for us. We seem to have a knack for missing Him despite searching endlessly for answers to take us down the right path. This has finally given me the hood that we just might find His voice this time. There’s a first time for everything and we needed this Divine message now more than ever. Impeccable timing and we are so thankful we found this tonight because for a year now, we’ve been faced with life changing circumstances but have remained stuck in indecision. Thank you for helping to unlock a long awaited mystery fir us. God bless you!
Jennifer Clarke says
Hello, Jill! I’m glad you found this to be helpful. I will pray for you and your sister, that God would lead and guide you as you look to Him.
John-Morgan Abiola says
I have been trying to quit my job for some time now by seeking God’s face and two different options have been impressed upon my heart but this post has given me a great reassurance that I need to seek God’s leading the more to know the exact direction He wants me to go cause I don’t want to have any regrets.. God bless you real good!!!
Jennifer Clarke says
Hello, and thank you for sharing your experience with us. I’m glad this post was helpful to you, and I will pray for God’s guidance in your decision about your job.
Ijeoma Ireh says
Thanks Jenny. I got to understand from the number one clue that God’s calling can possibly shift! It’s left for us to prayerfully discern when this shift is happening. Thanks for the clues!
Jennifer Clarke says
Thanks for reading, and for taking the time to say hello!
agnes ralte says
Amen. I needed this so much right now, my heart is broken, shattered by by boyfriend who is a man of God, who i thought would never break my heart, we never fight or even argue, i use to think he is the answet to my prayer, and suddenly these past few days he wont talk to me, i dont even know why, we live in different city so i can only communicate over phone. When i tried to talk to him and asky why he reject my calls and wont pick my calls and i dont even know why. I feel so hurt and broken, i keep praying to God about it but deep down i feel like God is redirecting me, and today i open my pinterest and found your testimony, im so thankful you wrote this, and thay God leads me to read it in my greatest hour of need, this is for me, thank you. And please pray for me, because my heart is aching, but i want only Gods will to be done in me.
Jennifer Clarke says
Hello, Agnes, and thank you for sharing your heart here. I’m so sorry to hear of this sad time in your life, and I want you to know that I will pray for you, that God would comfort, direct, and strengthen you as you look to Him.
Patsy says
After 3 years of retirement, your comments really confirmed my decision. All points were EXACTLY how I was feeling and lead to my peaceful decision. God is so good to us and loves us unconditionally.
Jennifer Clarke says
Hi, Patsy, and thanks so much for taking the time to share how this provided some affirmation for you. God is so good to lead His children as we look to Him in faith!
Liza says
This most definitely speaks straight to my heart as this is the exact scenario we are in to a T. I have homeschooled from the beginning and felt called to put my eldest in public school this year. My husband was ready to put all 3 in, but I felt like this was supposed to be a transitional year, so kept my younger 2 at home. At times I don’t know whether I am holding on to a season unreasonably or if this truly is a transitional year. Every time God confirms the transition, but not quite yet. And, yes, you have the five signs nailed! I am experiencing EVERYTHING you have mentioned. Thanks for sharing and letting God use you as further confirmation that I can start cleaning that school room up and start buying some semi-professional clothes to the job force next school year. (Because, let’s be realistic, I homeschool in my pajamas too!)
Jennifer Clarke says
Hello, Liza, and thanks so much for sharing with me how this resonated with you. I praise the Lord for giving you confirmation, and for your willingness to obey. I will pray that God would continue to direct your path as you look to Him in faith, and that the transition would be a smooth and blessed one for you and your family.
Sarah says
I can’t help but wonder if these same steps/clues were taken into consideration when deciding whether to take in foster children (a ministry on its own) or not? I’ve learned that as a mom my ministry are my own children. There’ll come a time in my life when I will be able to minister in other ways. Please do not feel judged. Just one momma trying to hello other mommas. I am homeschooling now but I didn’t for many years and I so regret it. My children had experiences that I wish they never had (one of many: my teen daughter traded her eyeglasses for a cell phone with a classmate and used it inappropriately).
Jennifer Clarke says
Hi, Sarah! Thanks for sharing your perspective here. Yes, these steps were certainly taken when we were considering foster care, which was a process that included even more wrestling and consideration. As a mom, God has worked in my heart in significant ways to be willing to mother any children He would bring into our home, regardless of how they happen to arrive. They’re all His, after all, no matter whose family they were born into.
Claudia says
Thanks for sharing. I too am considering a major change in my life. I do not feel fulfilled in my current job and am praying for opportunities even migration. Please pray for me.
Jennifer Clarke says
I’m honored to pray for you about this, Claudia, that God would direct your path as you look to Him.
Jennifer King says
What a timely post for me to find! I have been thinking about, and praying about, doing the opposite of you. I have been feeling led to pull my children out of their Christian school and do homeschooling instead. Just a year ago I would have said no way, I can’t homeschool my kids! But a lot has shifted in my thinking, and other areas to where I’m very seriously looking at it and learning all I can about it. Thank you for pointing out these clues!
Jennifer Clarke says
I’m glad this was helpful to you! I still believe very strongly in the benefits of homeschooling, and my memories of those years remain among my most cherished. I will pray that the Lord will direct your path in this decision as you look to Him in faith.
Faith says
I am currently at a preschool that no holidays or religious worship is allowed. I pray that God will direct me to a new job where His word can be taught to little children .I need to increase my income as well. God always provides so I continue to pray for direction.
Jennifer Clarke says
Hi there! I will join you in prayer for God’s direction in your life. Thanks so much for stopping by!
Addie says
We have recently felt all those things about moving and being able to expand our business, be closer to our church and have room for our large family and have found a house that we believe God is going to bless us with and it is very expensive (for us). I know that money is not an issue for God, we have tried getting a loan and conventional ways of purchasing this house and have not been able to. Do I keep pushing and trying to find and make something work or should I just wait, I am so torn between doing everything I can do to move in the direction we feel called and just waiting. God’s timing is what we want of course I just don’t want to be lazy and wait for it to fall in my lap either. From one foster mom to another please give me wisdom to help settle my mind 🙂
Jennifer Clarke says
Hello, and thanks so much for your comment. You’ve asked a great question, and I recently came across an interesting Proverb that is quite applicable. Proverbs 21:31 tells us that a horse is well-prepared for battle, but victory belongs to the LORD. I think this verse speaks well to the beautiful interplay between our work and God’s work. You’re right that God doesn’t want you to be lazy and wait for something to fall in your lap; but He also doesn’t want you striving and straining for it, either. It sounds as though you’ve done everything you know to do. There’s great value in sharing this kind of prayer with God: “Lord, You know that I just want Your will to be done. We believe this is Your will, but we could be wrong. We’ve done everything we know to do, but if there’s something else You want us to do, please show us what that is. Otherwise, we will wait on Your direction and provision, and we trust You with the result.” I hope this is helpful to you! I will pray that God would direct your path as you look to Him in faith.
Makda Z. Mihreteab says
I’m not a mom or a wife yet, but I really enjoyed reading your post. I prayed your prayer so that God can direct me with my day to day decisions. Thank you for sharing. XOXO
Jennifer Clarke says
Hello, and thanks for taking the time to share how this ministered to you. I agree that these clues are insightful for all kinds of decisions during each season of life. May God continue to lead and guide His people as we look to Him in faith!
Sara says
Recently I have had a shift in direction, one that I am not logistically ready for. Suddenly, I felt like I didn’t even know how to trust that God has a plan. I am still freaking out, but the more and more I reach out and share with, the more I am remembering what I have learned about God’s unwavering love. Thank you.
Jennifer Clarke says
Hi, Sara, and thank you for sharing about your experience. Those sudden changes that we don’t anticipate can really throw us for a loop, can’t they? Those are the times when it’s helpful to reflect on God’s character and on all His promises in the Scripture, and also to bring to memory all the times He has demonstrated His faithfulness in the past. I will pray for you about this, that God would continue to strengthen your faith and draw you especially close.
Alicia says
What a beautiful article. I love how you included that you were praying about a possible transition for your children and then God began to prepare them without them knowing you were praying. A very encouraging article. Thanks for sharing.
Jennifer Clarke says
I’m glad this ministered to you, Alicia. Thanks for taking the time to let me know!
Alexx says
I watched another one of my good friends go through a very similar journey. She loved homeschooling her kids and then over time lost the passion for it. Once she did enroll her kids in school they also did so well! It’s amazing to see what God can do while changing your direction.
I’m struggling with the a similar thing in my life right now. I definitely am trying to figure out if God is or isn’t trying to change my path. I’ve recently started blogging, which is something that I’d never thought I would do. And I have to say I absolutely love it. But I don’t know if I’m meant to give up everything else and really focus on just blogging. So for now I’m doing a lot of school work, a lot of blog work and a whole lot of praying!
I know this post is kind of old but it came across my Pinterest feed today (and most of my feed is travel related) so maybe this is just another clue God is giving me!
Wishing you all the best in your journey!
💗 Alexx | Aesthetics by Alexx
Jennifer Clarke says
Hi, Alexx, and thanks for sharing part of your story with me! Blogging isn’t something I ever anticipated, either, but after more than five years and many ups and downs, I absolutely love it right along with you. But it’s a lot of hard work, and it’s not for everyone, so you’re wise to seek God’s guidance and wait for His leading. I will pray for you about this, that God will show you His will one step at a time.
Stephanie says
I stumbled across this post through Pinterest, while looking at recipes. I clicked on it out of curiosity. You see we are currently praying about whether to continue to homeschool after this being our 9th year. Our oldest graduates this year, which is very exciting! I’ve been working part time at our church for almost two years now. And like you said here my passions have changed. The passion I once had for homeschooling has slowly began to fade, while the passion I have for what I do for our church has grown. I’ve felt guilty for it, like I somehow will be letting my kids down if we don’t continue homeschooling. Then this past week I asked my youngest who’s 10 and has always been homeschooled what he thought about the idea of going to the Christian school near us, he was beyond excited at the thought. I think God is giving me a string of signs and confirmations, and there’s no doubt coming across this article was one of them. Thank you for sharing your story.
Jennifer Clarke says
Hi, Stephanie, and thank you so much for sharing this with me. First, congratulations on the upcoming graduation of your oldest! 🙂 I’m blessed that you can relate to our story, and that God has used it to encourage you. Changing course isn’t easy, is it? Especially when we’ve believed so strongly in the rightness of a certain path for a long period of time. But our God is One who delights in new things! While He sometimes wants us to persevere on a particular path for many years, other times He redirects us when we’re not really expecting it. I will pray for you about this; I know it’s a big decision, and one that isn’t made lightly. Yet I’m confident that God will direct your path as you look to Him in faith.
Nicole says
What a great article! God has been steadily changing my course for the past five years or so, I just didn’t recognize it at first. It’s hard to step out of the comfort zone, so I guess He’s been preparing me a little all along so I wouldn’t freak out! He knows me so well! You are spot on with the clues that your course is being changed, and just hearing this from someone else makes me feel just a little bit more at ease. Sometimes I have trouble determining what’s just something going on in my head and when God is speaking to me. A change of course is good listening practice! Thanks for sharing!
Jennifer Clarke says
Hi, Nicole, and thank you for reading and taking the time to share your heart. It’s hard for all of us to step out of our comfort zones, but God is so good to prepare us like you’ve described. He is a good Shepherd to care for His sheep so tenderly!
Sam says
I was blindsided with change. At 39, with no plans for children, we found ourselves expecting. Once I gave birth, I was blindsided yet again with severe postpartum depression. I still don’t know what God’s purpose is for all this but I’m trying to trust.
Jennifer Clarke says
Hi, Sam, and thank you for sharing here. I rejoice in the birth of your child, even as my heart goes out to you during this season of depression. If you haven’t done so, I urge you to contact your physician about it, as well as a trusted pastor or Christian friend. I will pray for you, that God would restore you, strengthen you, and draw you especially close. It’s pretty common for us to not understand God’s purpose when our course changes unexpectedly, but I appreciate your determination to trust God in spite of what’s surely a confusing time.
Valarie says
I absolutely love this post and it has been so very encouraging. Our situation is opposite of y’alls, but the steps you gave are exactly the same. Our children(11,15, and 17) have attended a private, Christian school all of their schooling years. I have also volunteered there for the last 7 years. Recently we have felt God prompting us to leave the school and homeschool. Stepping out in faith is EXACTLY what we have had to do as well. We will start our homeschooling journey in July and we are very excited! Thank you for being faithful to share what God lays on your heart. You have encouraged this mama’s heart!
Jennifer Clarke says
Hi, Valarie, and thank you for sharing from your experience. I know your faith honors your Lord, and I trust that He will richly bless this new chapter.
Karen says
Hi Jenifer,
I don’t normally comment on things but thos article has spoken EXACTLY what I went through last year before putting 2 then 3 then 4 of my children into school. I had homeschooled for 10 years. I knew it was what God wanted me to do but just as you described first I seemed to lose my supernatural ability to cope and homeschool five children. I persisted anyway and slowly God changed my passion, spoke through others, provided almost supernaturally for the change and drew our hearts to the most beautiful tiny school where my children have flourished! I read this post because God is once again doing dome changing in my life, yet I have gained such peace about something I thought I had put to rest knowing it was God’s plan we followed. I dont know if I am even making sense! But I feel like now I can look back at that and these “clues” and know that God is so faithful, He will lead us through the next change and I can look forward to the joy that will come instead of looking at the losses the change has brought.
Jennifer Clarke says
Hello, Karen, and thank you for taking the time to share with us how you have seen this process manifested in your life. I agree that once we identify these nudges from the Lord, it helps us to stay focused on Him and not on the details of the changes we’re encountering. I love that you pointed out God’s faithfulness, because that alone is enough for us. What a joy to follow such a Savior!
There is one business i always have in mind and i pray so hard God to make come to pass.but recently in my heart i feel moved to doing another business.i am glad i read this a time like this.i will pray God to direct me in the business He wants to venture in.God bless you
Jennifer Clarke says
Hello, and thank you for sharing from your personal experience. I’m honored to pray for you, asking God to direct your path as you look to Him in faith.
Sylvia says
Thank you Jennifer for this post. At present we are in Dubai for my husbands job. For quite some time now he has wanted to finish and go back home to our family in the UK. However, having been Christians for over 40 years we know what it’s like to run on ahead of God. We don’t want to do this. So have been praying to go home His Way, His Time. This is our prayer. We stand on His Word for direction.
Thank you so much. We have a wonderful Father.
Jennifer Clarke says
Hi, Sylvia, and thank you for sharing part of your story with us. You’ve spoken very wisely about our human tendency to get ahead of God’s plan; it brings to mind Psalm 32:8-9 where the psalmist beckons us not to be like the horse (running ahead) or the mule (lagging behind). I’m honored to pray for you, asking God to keep you in step with Him and to fulfill His promise to direct your path as you look to Him in faith.
Chioma says
Thank you so much for this post. I have been getting a sense that God is changing my course. In some ways, the new changes were expected but some were not and it’s a bit confusing knowing how to react and what to tell those who ask. More and more, I understand the saying that God’s ways are not our ways. Many times, what he has called us to will not make sense. I pray that I remain faithful and obedient to the call, no matter where or how it may be🙏🏽🙏🏽
Jennifer Clarke says
Hello, and thanks for your email! I appreciate your sharing how this post ministered to you. I will pray for you, asking God to continue directing your paths as you look to Him in faith.
Karen says
I am so lost in life right now, im a single mother trying my best to raise a child, I’ve made so many mistakes in life and am trying to be closer with God. I don’t feel like my life is going anywhere positive, and I am really trying to better my life for me and my daughter. But it seems like everything I think is the right thing to do turns out to be wrong. I don’t know where to turn or what to do anymore . Please help.
Jennifer Clarke says
Hi, Karen! Thanks so much for sharing transparently with us here. First, I need to ask whether you’re a believer in Jesus Christ. Have you placed your trust in Him for forgiveness of your sins? If you’re not sure, this post and this one are good places to examine this question a little more fully.
Once that matter has been taken care of, I would encourage you in a few ways:
1)Pursue relationship with God. It’s what you were made for, and it’s the only thing that will bring true fulfillment. Make it a priority to get to know God by reading the Bible and praying. Memorize Scripture. Listen to Christian podcasts. Saturating your mind with God’s truth is a powerful way to replace the clutter and junk of sin and the world.
2)Develop fellowship with other believers. Find a local church that preaches the Bible, one where its members are growing in their faith and serving each other and the community.
3)Avoid worldly influences. A lot of the entertainment that’s popular is not honoring to God and it’s not helpful for a Christian because it encourages us to set our minds on worldliness instead of godliness, making it more difficult to live for the Lord. Also, if there are people in your life with whom you’ve gotten into trouble in the past, it may be helpful to reduce contact with those people, as well.
I hope these thoughts are helpful to you. I will pray that God would help you to know Him, love Him, and serve Him with all your heart and all your soul, and that He would provide for you and your daughter in every way.
Jessica says
How I wish that I could believe that God always gives guidance. I am a 55 year old woman, never married, no children. My family has minimal contact with me. I was baptized in my early 20s, and have gradually lost my faith over the years. In my 20s, I was convinced that God was calling me to be a nun. After living in a convent and going through preparations, I was dismissed one week before entering as the order felt I didn’t truly have a call. In my 30s and 40s, I asked God for a husband. In my 50s, I asked God just to help me keep my faith. I no longer go to church, can’t really pray although I do still try, and don’t know why I’m here. I have never felt connected to my job; it is a way to make a living, not something I have any calling to or gifts for. Even now, with no faith to speak of, I’m still trying to figure out what happened. There was a time in my life when I couldn’t even conceive of not going to church. Now I just pray once in a while more out of habit than conviction. I wish this reliance on guidance was possible, but when people say God has a plan for everyone, I no longer believe that. I guess maybe I’m commenting just to ask for prayers that I wouldn’t completely lose my faith. I at least still sometimes believe in God. I don’t want to lose that too. Thanks.
Jennifer Clarke says
Hi, Jessica, and thanks so much for taking the time to pour out your heart here. I’m honored to pray for you, asking that God would affirm His great love for you in spite of life’s disappointments and heartaches, and that He would grant you a mustard seed of faith that will grow and bear fruit.
Maria says
I was forced to leave my high paying job due to stress and anxiety. It was a job that made me sick due to the load and pressure, and the absence of help which was promised to me when I first started. I felt that God was leading me to stop working at that job because it became toxic for me already, but I was holding on to It because I needed the money for my family, and really tried to work it out. I’m praying for the Lord to open the door for me at a place where I can utilize my gifts and be happy where He puts me. Please help me pray.
Jennifer Clarke says
Hi, Maria, and thank you for sharing your experience about a time of transition. I’m honored to pray for you, that God will clearly direct your path as you look to Him in faith, and that He will provide for your every need always.
Ariel Shanelle says
My family and I have a big move to make and just last night, He redirected our plans by bringing some things to light beforehand that would’ve defeated the purpose of our move. However, God is in control and I will always put my trust in Him. Thanks for this post because I’ll need it.
Jennifer Clarke says
You’re most welcome, Ariel! Thank you for sharing this personal testimony of how God has redirected you.
Brandy Bostick says
I enjoyed reading your post about prayer and the practical ways you and your family discerned God’s will. I really like your idea of having scripture cards stuck to your doors and in your Bible. We do always need extra reminders to pray and how to pray. Thank you for sharing.
Jennifer Clarke says
Yes, we’re prone to forgetting the truth, aren’t we? I’m glad this post was helpful to you. Thank you for taking the time to let me know, Brandy.
Amanda says
Thank you so much for posting this!! I feel like my life has no direction right now. There has been a lot of changes in my family’s life right now. I am struggling with a lot and I am praying but I didn’t know how till your story!! I am very thankful!!
Jennifer Clarke says
You’re most welcome! Thank you for sharing transparently about the changes your family is experiencing. I will pray that God’s peace will guard your heart during this season of transition as you look to Him in faith. Thanks for stopping by, Amanda!