Does God feel distant? You probably know He hasn’t gone anywhere. But He feels so far away.
Maybe you have a sharp awareness that you aren’t as close to Him as you once were.
Or maybe you’ve never really understood how people can feel close to God.
Or perhaps you’re in a different place altogether. You’re growing in your relationship with the Lord, but you understand there’s always room for more closeness. More intimacy. Knowing Him more deeply and loving Him more fervently.
No matter where you are in your walk with Him, you’ll be encouraged and refreshed by our Drawing Close to God in Prayer FREE 5-day challenge.
Nearer to God
Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you.
James 4:8
When you sign up for the free challenge, you’ll receive one email per day, full of practical insights and Bible-based prayers.
Each day’s prayers are designed to deepen your understanding of God’s character.
As you grow to know Him more, you’ll develop a deeper awareness of His presence.
You’ll grow a sharper appreciation for His goodness.
And you might just realize that closeness with Him is what you were made for.
This free challenge is perfect for:
>>>New Christians who want to know God better and love Him more.
>>>Desperate Christians who have fallen into sin and want to be restored.
>>>Experienced Christians who realize they aren’t as close to God as they used to be.
>>>Mature Christians who have a good relationship with God, but want to grow closer.
“And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place, that they should seek God, and perhaps feel their way toward Him and find Him. Yet He is actually not far from each one of us.“
Acts 17:26-27
Joining the challenge is simple…and free! The links for each day’s prayers are below. Simply bookmark this page, and come back daily to locate the next day’s prayer.
Drawing Close Prayer Challenge – Get Ready!
I know the Lord will work powerfully in your life through this meaningful season of prayer.
Please send packet (address removed by site owner)
How much does this cost?
Hi, Jeff! The challenge is completely free. There are supplemental resources available for purchase, but there’s no obligation to do so, and you can participate fully in the challenge without paying anything at all. Hope this helps!
Pliz hook mi up in this challenge.i need God closer.
I want to sign up. Thanks
Its really good of you ,can i join you
Yes, you’re in! 🙂 So happy to have you, and I pray that the Lord will work powerfully in your life through this challenge.
I want to join the praying team.
If there is a prayers squad I want to be part of it. To enhance a spread the kingdom of God.
All set for the challenge
Sounds exciting!!!!!!
Welcome! So glad to have you on board.
Join me fast.
Hello! I’m so glad to have you as part of the challenge, friend.