“He was my soulmate, but he broke my heart,” the headline screamed from the supermarket magazine rack.
Since I was without my children and behind several other customers in line, I had plenty of time (and relative quiet!) to stop and think…
The idea of a broken heart seems sort of modern, doesn’t it? A term with more than its fair share of melodramatic flair, heartbroken is reminiscent of teen romance gone bad…of puppy love ended prematurely. Perhaps the “NO” box was checked on the note inquiring about her feelings toward him. Or maybe she saw him out with another girl.
Heartbroken brings to mind the ache of rejection. The despair of loneliness. The emptiness of disappointment. The anguish of loss. And its reach is certainly not limited to infatuated young people.
Far from being a contemporary concept, a broken heart is referenced by our God in His Word. Will you just let that soak in for a minute?
Heartbroken is no dramatic exaggeration. It’s not a self-indulgent pity party. God acknowledges and understands that sometimes things happen in this sin-infested world that cause us to feel like our hearts are crumbling within us.
And just what does He say about the brokenhearted? Does He summon them to pull themselves up by their bootstraps? Or remind them of all the ways the heartbreak is actually their own fault? That they should’ve seen it coming?
No, of course not. He simply but profoundly says that He is near to them (Psalm 34:18).
What rich, soothing salve on gaping wounds is His nearness!
He also tells us that He heals them and binds up their wounds (Psalm 147:3).
Stop and imagine with me for a moment our Heavenly Father kneeling over us, examining our broken places with such care and concern…tending us with such gentleness…granting His tender healing touch in all the places we can see and even those we can’t.
Be encouraged, for this is our breathtakingly beautiful God.
Written by Jennifer Clarke
I’m printing this one off to put in my journal as a wonderful reminder. Thank you Jennifer.
I’m glad it encouraged you, Angela! We’re all broken-hearted at some time or other, sometimes for a personal circumstance, and other times out of sympathy for others. I’m grateful that our God is kind enough to be concerned for our broken places, and strong enough to heal them.
This is soooo good!!! Thank you!!
Hello, Kwame’! Thank you for reading, and for the encouragement. 🙂
Beautiful, Jennifer. This is a side of God that we are too slow to see, perhaps because we are so busy relating to Him as the all-powerful Ruler and the righteous Judge.
But you are right. He not only comforts the brokenhearted, He has been brokenhearted Himself.
“Scorn has broken my heart and has left me helpless; I looked for sympathy, but there was none, for comforters, but I found none. They put gall in my food and gave me vinegar for my thirst.”
Psalm 69:20-21
I suppose that’s what makes Him such a great comforter!
Such a good point, Tiffany! Thank you for sharing that relevant and insightful Scripture.
Another poignant and relevant truth, Jennifer! I love the way the Lord has used your words to bless my heart today.
🙂 Dawn
Thanks, Dawn!
Jennifer, Thank you for such an encouraging post. As I spoke with a widows ministry this weekend, I shared the verse from Psalms 147 after reading your post. It is so refreshing to know that He is full of healing and hope. Thank you for linking up on Thriving Thursdays. Blessings to you.
I’m so glad my post was a blessing to you, Carmen, as you were a blessing to others. Our mutual encouragement in the faith is a humble privilege and a great joy!
Thank you for your faith, and helping others!
Thank you for reading, Jeanette, and for taking the time to leave this word of encouragement!
We are so blessed to have a Savior who can identify with being broken hearted, and for a God who draws near to those who are hurting. Thank you for this reminder, Jennifer. Your words bring encouragement!
God bless,
PS: Visiting you via Grace & Truth Linkup today 🙂
YES, so blessed indeed. I can’t get over His kindness! Thank you for praising Him with me.
Thank you for your post, Jennifer! February is known as the “month of love,” but for those of us who are hurting, it can be really hard. God is near, though, and I hold on tightly to that promise!
He is indeed near, Laura. I just prayed that you would sense Him in a particularly powerful way in the midst of your pain, and that He would provide for your every need. Thank you for reading, and for sharing so thoughtfully.
I love God
I’m glad! I hope you found some encouragement here.