I happen to be blessed with two strong-willed children – one who is in her “tween” years, and the other entering Kindergarten in the fall.
And while raising a strong willed child is not easy, raising any child is a significant calling and one worthy of our best efforts.
I don’t know about you, but the hardest part of rearing one of these little firecrackers and world-changers is how much they wear me down.
I hope you’ll join me at Intoxicated on Life today, where I’m sharing hope from my own experience with a strong willed child – and to be honest, these experiences I share about my oldest daughter refresh my own optimism for the one still wading through these waters.
Here’s an excerpt:
There was a time when my husband and I were rather skilled at patting ourselves on the back.
I think it was pretty well-deserved. After all, we had given the world its very first angelic two-year-old.
We were the best parents ever.
She was compliant and sweet, cheerful and thoughtful.
Yep. Best. Kid. Ever.
“Terrible twos?” we scoffed in private. “Not our girl!”
And then she turned three.
Gone was our delightful little angel. In her place was…
well, I’ll let your imagination fill in the blanks.
She was still agreeable as long as things were going her way. But when they weren’t, you’d better watch out!
God carried us through those preschool and early elementary years with hefty doses of grace along with some eye-opening truths.