My three-year-old came into the kitchen one afternoon last week. Her little dimpled hands were full of junk. On closer inspection, I discovered she was clutching a couple of small toys and a torn sheet of paper.
“I’m hungry. Can I have a snack?” she asked.
“How do you ask?” Because this is, after all, the only correct parental response to any request from their child.
“Yes, you may.” I extended a banana toward her.
Oops. Her hands were full. Of the aforementioned junk. Items which were starting to seem pretty important…to her, at least.
“I can’t take it! My hands are full!” she exclaimed matter-of-factly.
“I know. You have to put your other stuff down before you can take the banana.”
She thought about this for several seconds. To me, it was a no-brainer. Put down the junk and take the nourishment I’m offering you.
But she had to think about it. Clearly, the junk was significant to her. Significant enough to consider holding on to it, thus giving up the opportunity to get the food her body needed.
And that’s when my daughter’s snack-time became a divine encounter for me. In that very moment, the Holy Spirit nudged my heart, asking me how often I hold onto “junk” in the same way. Junk that absorbs my mind and captivates my attention and consumes my time.
And when I won’t let go of the junk, I miss out on the nourishment. Nourishment my soul desperately needs. Nourishment that fuels my service and kindles my love and strengthens my spirit.
This much-needed nourishment comes from only one Source. But there are many avenues…
Sometimes it comes from long moments gazing into His Word…
sometimes from pouring out my heart to Him in prayer…
other times from lifting my voice in a song of praise…
often from enriching fellowship with other believers…
sometimes from serving someone who has needs greater than my own…
and always from simple stillness before my Savior.
But I can’t get nourishment from junk. Trust me; I’m sorry to say I’ve tried it.
And I can’t open my hands to receive the nourishment until I let go of the junk.
My little girl made the right decision. She put down her highly prized junk and took the banana. Lord, give me the grace to follow in her footsteps!
“Like newborn infants, long for the pure spiritual milk…”
1 Peter 2:2
How about you? Where do you receive nourishment for your soul? How do you intentionally put down the “junk” so you can open your hands to receive nourishment from your Savior? Please share by leaving a comment below.
Written by Jennifer Clarke
Grace Houle says
I enjoy reading your posts! I hope you keep on writing.
Jennifer Clarke says
Thank you for reading, Grace! I appreciate your encouragement. To God be the Glory always!
wanda says
Jennifer what an eye opener your story is!!! Thank you so much for sharing what our Lord has shared with you,i’m going to post it up on my face book timeline in abit..thank you for taking your rightful place in the kingdom and body of Christ you can’t even start to imagine the half of your reward!!!!
Jennifer Clarke says
Hello, Wanda, and welcome! I’m glad my story was a blessing to your life. I truly thank you for taking the time to share it with others who might benefit from it as well. God is so good to patiently teach us, and to allow us to encourage one another in our faith. Many blessings to you!
Lisa says
Amen boy how we need that refreshing daily!
Thanks for the blessing.
Jennifer Clarke says
Indeed we do, Lisa! Thank you for reading. 🙂
Gi-Gi Allen says
I Love, and look forward to reading, and sharing your blogs, they are always a Blessing, and so inspiratiomal. Keep up the great work.
Jennifer Clarke says
Gi-Gi, your kindness humbles me and spurs me on. Thank you, sister!