Singleness can be an extremely significant, fruitful, and impactful season of life.
Even more so when it’s a season lived with a sense of calling and purpose, both of which can be enhanced by praying the Scriptures.
After all, the apostle Paul said he wished that all people could remain single, as he was (I Corinthians 7:7).
Did he mean this literally? Is singleness actually superior to married life?
In some ways, perhaps. For example, later in the same chapter, Paul points out the single person’s ability to serve the Lord without being distracted by the needs of a spouse.
But I don’t think Paul’s point was that it would really be better for all people to remain single.
After all, according to God’s plan, no marriages would mean no children. Which would very soon mean the extinction of the human race.
I think Paul was simply highlighting the value of single life here, elevating it to equal importance with married life.
Singleness isn’t the ultimate prize. And neither is marriage.
Christ is.
And some people happen to serve Him best as unmarried people. At least until God calls them into a Christ-centered marriage covenant.
Perhaps you’re already married – I hope that you’ll take this opportunity to pray over the singles in your life – whether they’re your teenaged or adult children, your friends, coworkers, neighbors, or fellow church members.
And if you’re single, please know that I’m praying these prayers over you, and I hope you’ll take some time to lift these prayers for singles to the Lord from your own heart.
Prayers for Singles
Pray that God would grant you the grace to approve that which is excellent in order to be pure and blameless until the day of Christ (Philippians 1:10). Consider before the Lord specific areas in your life – entertainment, employment, relationships, speech, thoughts, and others – and whether you’re habitually approving that which is excellent and resisting that which isn’t.
Acknowledge to the Lord that He knows the plans He has for you – plans to prosper you spiritually, and not to harm you; plans to give you a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).
Pray that you would faithfully use your life in service to Christ, seeking first His kingdom and His righteousness, trusting that God will meet your every need (Matthew 6:33).
Ask God to grant you a love for the Lord your God that consumes all your heart, all your soul, and all your mind. Pray that He would also grant you a love for others as you love yourself (Matthew 22:37-39).
Pray that God’s Spirit would enable you to keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it flow the issues of life (Proverbs 4:23). Ask Him to show you areas in which you haven’t guarded your heart. Confess and forsake any sin He reveals.
Tell the Lord of your desire to walk by faith and not by sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). Admit any struggle you have in doing so, and ask Him to strengthen your faith.
Pray that God would help your heart to be content in all situations during this season of life (Philippians 4:11), remembering His sovereignty and His goodness.
Ask for the Lord’s grace in leading the life to which He has assigned you and to which God has called you, with honor, reverence, and gratitude (I Corinthians 7:17).
Commit to the Lord that you will trust in Him with all your heart, resisting the urge to rely on your own understanding, and instead choosing to acknowledge Him in all your ways. Remind Him of His promise to direct your paths (Proverbs 3:5-6).
Pray that God would enable you to be an imitator of God, as a dearly loved child. Ask Him to teach you how to walk in love, as Christ loved you and gave Himself up for you, a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God. Affirm before Him your desire for righteousness, and that sexual immorality and all impurity or covetousness would not be associated with you. Commit also to banishing from your speech filthiness, foolish talk, and crude joking, which are out of place, but instead to let there be thanksgiving (Ephesians 5:1-4)
Ask God to help you to trust in Him, to do good, and to remain within the safety of His boundaries for your life, thus enjoying safe pasture. Pray that He would cultivate in your heart a true delight in Him, and a willingness to commit your way completely to Him. Claim His promise to grant you the desires of your heart, as His Spirit works to conform your desires to His (Psalm 37:3-5).
Praise Jesus for existing before all things, for creating all things, and for sustaining all things. Confess His headship over body, the Church, and His identity as the beginning, the firstborn from the dead, that in everything He might be preeminent (Colossians 1:17). Tell Him that you want Him to be preeminent in your life, in your relationships, and in your service for Him.
Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you that You are a trustworthy and faithful God. Thank you for loving us – for seeing each of us as we are, for caring about us, and for including us in Your Kingdom work, no matter our marital status. I thank You for the numerous and varied gifts that You grant us, Your children, and specifically today for the special gift that singleness is. I pray that You would help each of Your children who are yet unmarried to steward this season well, for Your glory, making the most of every opportunity to serve You with complete devotion. It’s in the name of my Savior, Jesus Christ, that I pray. Amen.
Take the Challenge!
Are you a Christian who longs for spiritual victory and wants to grow in holiness? I want to come alongside you and support you in your quest for purity. That’s why I created a FREE 21-day email challenge called Praying the Scriptures for Purity. You can get more information and sign up here.
Ruth-Ann Berk says
Thank-You so much this was my prayer this morning. I am 43 years old divorced once then re-married some 17 years ago but seperated 4 months after the wedding and have had no contacted since but also was never divorced. anyway ive had many relationship since but have been single for almost a year now, still in love with the man i was in a relationship with for the previous 4 years but he is not a christian an can bring me to a deppressive state and i want what God has for me not my will but his even though i am still very much in love with him i left the relationship almost a year ago an still have contact with him quiet often. Lately ive been asking God to show me weather i need to compleatly leave him an the relationship behind or if with prayer an patience God will grant me the desire of my heart or if he has something better for me any way in the mean time i need to commit my thoughts an sexual wants, lusts and imorralties to God I truly want an need God’s will for my life. So once again thank-you for these prayers there exactly what i needed!!!!! May God richly Bless you!
Jennifer Clarke says
Hello, Ruth-Ann, and thank you for sharing so openly here. I’m glad you found the prayers to be a blessing.
Lisa says
What a great post! I really enjoyed reading this, it had put a whole lot of stuff back into perspective for me, so thank you for that. I’m sorry to make a correction but I believe one of your first scriptures you used should have been Jeremiah 29:11 rather than Jeremiah 17:9. I loved the scriptures you used, I though they linked in perfectly! you are so gifted and I know God has such a bright future for you. Thank you for writing this.
Jennifer Clarke says
Hi, Lisa, and welcome! I’m so glad this post was meaningful for you. You’re exactly right about the reference, and I truly thank you for pointing out my error and for sharing kind encouragement with me.
Cora says
This is an awesome post .Thank you for caring and sharing your wisdom to us .Your prayer greatly motivate and encourage me .God bless you and your family .Thank you xx ❤
Jennifer Clarke says
Hello, Cora, and welcome! I’m so glad you were blessed here. May our Lord bless you richly as you walk with Him.
Candice says
Hi Jennifer. I want to thank you for this post. I often think that the church and Christians often forget about singles and the struggles we go thru. I am single and pray to be married one day. I now know from this article that I must serve for the Lord until my Boaz comes. Please pray for me!
Jennifer Clarke says
Bless you, Candice! Thank you for taking the time to say hello. I pray that you would be filled with the knowledge of God, and would increase in spiritual understanding and wisdom; that you would be confident in your identity in Christ and in His purpose for your life; and that He would make you abundantly fruitful, for His glory.
Jessie says
Wonderful list! I love that you refer to scripture in each of these. These are good for singles, but those in a relationship would also highly benefit from this. I’ll be spending the new year praying these.
Thank you!!