Let’s give your internet filter the benefit of the doubt. It has good intentions. And it does a decent job at the task it was created for.
But what if your internet protection service went above and beyond mere filtering? What if it paved the way for meaningful conversations with those closest to you, and opened the door for closer relationships through building transparency?
What if it could be more than a tool for protection, becoming also a tool for sanctification?
You Weren’t Meant to Live an Isolated Life
I’ve been using this exact kind of internet protection for almost two years now, but first, let’s talk for a minute about Christian community.
Referring to Christians (i.e. the family of God) my pastor likes to say, “It takes a family to care for a family.” He says this to encourage our congregation to look out for each other. To help each other. To come alongside the hurting and to extend a hand to the struggling.
After all, God put us in community for a reason. We read in the gospels that Jesus called twelve disciples to mentor, and when it was time to send them out to serve, He didn’t send them out one-by-one. He sent them in groups.
Why do you suppose He did that? From a numbers standpoint, wouldn’t 12 individuals traveling to 12 places have more potential impact than 6 pairs traveling to 6 places?
The answer is no, and that’s because we are better together. We need each other. Sometimes you’ll be weak, so it’s my job to come alongside you in support. Other times, I’ll be the one in need of your support.
That’s why local churches are so important. And that’s also why online communities of believers (like this one!) can be such a blessing, too. It just feels good to know that we’re not alone, right? And somehow, that knowledge is both inspiring and strengthening for the journey.
What does all this have to do with internet protection? Let me introduce you to Covenant Eyes. A sense of community is the main thing that makes Covenant Eyes different from a plain old internet filter. Because while Covenant Eyes does have filtering capability, but it’s main function is one of accountability.
In case your stomach clenches at the mention of accountability, the word conjuring images of furrowed brows and angry frowns, I think you’ll be encouraged by something I heard recently from a friend of mine: “Accountability is NOT primarily others calling you out on your sin, but others calling you UP to the person you are in Christ.”
WOW!! I NEED more of that! How about you? Other Christians engaging with us, not to put us down but just the opposite: to help us reach greater and greater heights of being like Jesus, supporting us in the realest of ways as we live out our walk with God in the nitty-gritty of everyday life.
How It Works
That’s what makes Covenant Eyes so unique. You see, when you sign up for Covenant Eyes, you choose a partner (perhaps a spouse, another family member, or a friend) who will receive a weekly email report summarizing your internet usage.
Simple, yes. But don’t underestimate its impact. You see, I’ve found that using Covenant Eyes lays the groundwork for transparent dialogue between you and the partner you choose by opening the door for significant conversations.
Answers to Common Questions
>>How much does it cost? I’m honestly not big on monthly subscriptions, but Covenant Eyes is an expense that’s 100% worth budgeting for. It’s very reasonably priced at just $11.99/month for individuals and couples, and $15.99/month for families.
>>What if I sign up and don’t like it? I have a hard time imagining that happening, just because Covenant Eyes meets a very real need in a practical way at an honest price. BUT if I’m wrong about that, you can cancel your subscription at any time. Plus, there’s a 30-day money-back guarantee.
>>>What if I don’t have kids? Covenant Eyes offers a filter, but it’s so much more than that. It’s about encouraging accountability and community between believers, so it’s just as powerful for adults as it is for children. You can read more here about just how life-changing accountability can be.
>>>Is Covenant Eyes right for me? I think it’s right for any Christian who recognizes the temptations available on the internet and is serious about safeguarding their hearts from evil. I would say that it’s not necessary for those who don’t have regular online access, but you’re reading this post, so… 😉 If you don’t already have internet protection, I would say that Covenant Eyes is definitely right for you.
FREE Resources
One of many things I appreciate about Covenant Eyes is their commitment to educating people about pornography. They have 20 free resources available for individuals, couples, families, and churches here on their website. I encourage you to take a look here.
Also, if you’d like to read more about the importance of accountability in the Christian life, here’s a great article on that topic.
Take the Challenge!
Whether or not you sign up for Covenant Eyes, I want to come alongside you in your quest for purity and holiness. That’s why I created a FREE 21-day email challenge called Praying the Scriptures for Purity. You can get more information and sign up here.
May your heart and mine echo the psalmist: “I will look with favor on the faithful in the land, that they may dwell with me; he who walks in the way that is blameless shall minister to me.” (Psalm 101:6)