Have you ever found yourself in a season of waiting on God?
You know what I mean, right?
You’re trucking along your merry way, and He abruptly brings you to a crashing halt.
Yeah. I’ve been there, too.
Just about three years ago, we began to sense God calling us to be foster parents. So we spent the required number of weeks in training and then waited for the phone call letting us know needy children were on their way to our home.
That call didn’t come.
Christmas came and went, and I wondered why there weren’t more stockings hanging from our mantle, as I had expected by that time.
We waited. And waited. And waited.
We waited through cancer.
We waited through job loss.
Until finally – more than a year after our training had been complete – the phone call came. And the events that followed were so clearly orchestrated by God Himself that we couldn’t doubt His supreme goodness in having us wait.
One of the sweetest lessons we learned during this time is that God is in the waiting.
He’s with us in the wait.
And He’s working in the wait.
And so for your time in God’s waiting room, I’d like to suggest ten prayers straight from the pages of God’s Word. May they refocus your mind on your Savior and propel your heart toward worship…
even as you wait.
10 Prayers While I’m Waiting on God
1.)Praise God for His promise that those who wait on Him will renew their strength. Ask Him to fulfill this in your life, empowering you to run and not grow weary and to walk and not faint. (Isaiah 40:31)
2.)Tell God that you will not fear or be dismayed as you wait on Him, and that you’re trusting Him to be with you, to strengthen and help you, and to hold you in His hand on your hardest days. (Isaiah 41:10)
3.)Remind God that your soul is eagerly anticipating His work, and that your hope is in His word. (Psalm 130:5-6)
4.)Claim with the psalmist that you will see the goodness of the LORD. Ask Him to help you be strong and to help your heart be courageous as you wait for Him expectantly. (Psalm 27:13-14)
5.)Affirm to God that He is good to those who wait for Him and to the soul that seeks Him. Name specific ways He has been good to you as you’ve been waiting. (Lamentations 3:25)
6.)Ask God to help you look to Him during your season of waiting. Praise the God of your salvation for hearing your prayers! (Micah 7:7)
7.)Rejoice in the Lord’s steadfast mercies that are everlasting and renewed every morning, even during times of waiting. Tell God you stand in awe of His faithfulness. (Lamentations 3:22-23)
8.)Ask God, in His grace, to enable you to wait patiently. Spend some time in silence before Him, resting your hope in Him alone. (Psalm 62:5)
9.)Thank Him, and tell Him you’ll never stop thanking Him for what He has done in your life. Let Him know that you’re waiting for His good name along with all those who are godly. (Psalm 52:9)
10.)Pray that the God of your salvation would guide and teach you in His truth as you wait on Him. (Psalm 25:5)
May your soul be strengthened and your faith fortified as you wait patiently for Him!
Is this a free printable? I would love to be able to share the 10 prayers with your permission
Hi, Charlene! There’s not a printable for these prayers at this time. Thanks for the suggestion, though! I’ll consider that in the future. 🙂
Thank you for this, Jennifer! My soul is strengthened and my faith fortified. Thank you for your wisdom and this wonderful tool.
You’re most welcome, new friend! 🙂 Thanks for sharing how this ministered to you.
This is wonderful and much needed! It’s important to understand that it’s okay for us to wait. God knows exactly what He is doing! Thank you for these scriptures. I can’t wait to dive into them more in my prayer time tomorrow.
LaDonna | Faith Family and Miracles
Hi, LaDonna, and thank you for your encouragement. I’m so glad you found these Scriptures helpful; I praise God for His Word that is living and active!
Thank you for these encouraging scriptures I really really need them right now while I’m in a season of WAITING I sometimes get discouraged and feel like giving up so these prayers will help me a lot GOD bless
I’m so glad to hear how this encouraged you, Cas! I will pray for you during this season of waiting, that God would draw you close to Him and that He would strengthen you as He grants His wisdom and guidance.
Jennifer, thank you for publishing these scripture prayers. I know that God honors His Word, so I have been learning to pray His Word back to Him. In times of temptation, stress and pain it is difficult to remember these Scriptures. So here is what I am doing in my quiet time: I have set up a notebook with tabs marking each topic. Every day I take two or three scriptures,write them out in black ink and write out my prayer to the Father in red ink. When I recognize the need to pray on one of these topics, I will have a place that is easily accessible in my time of need.
Hi, Jacquelyn, and thank you for your comment. I love your ideas, and I know your heart for prayer and for God’s Word brings much joy to your Savior.
This is just what I need right now as I pray for a loved one who is lost. I do believe his salvation will come, but I questioned just tonight, why is it taking so long? I wanted to print these as well, but I like the idea of writing them down, so I’ll do that. And as I’m typing this, Lauren Daigles song “Rescue” comes on the radio. He will send out an army to rescue! Praise God for his goodness!
Amen, Sharon. I’m so glad these Scriptures have ministered to you. God is faithful, and His Word endures forever!