Before I even write a word, I can already tell this post is going to be different from what I usually write.
Some might call it a rant.
Though that word has always seemed a little snarky to me, so maybe you’ll graciously label it an impassioned plea instead.
You see, I’m getting pretty tired of this addiction that is enslaving the vast majority of Christ’s Church in America.
Myself included.
It has ensnared us in its grip and isn’t going to let go without a fight.
Dear sisters, we are obsessed with comfort.
In big ways and small, we are constantly seeking our own comfort.
When we’re cold, we turn up the thermostat…unless we’re at work or at church, in which case we just complain about it instead.
When we’re hungry, we eat…unless there’s nothing in the pantry that appeals to us, and then we just get cranky.
When we’re thirsty, we drink…unless we’re out of our favorite coffee, so we instead get irritated with our husbands for drinking the last of it.
(Or maybe this is just me?)
When something is hard, we avoid it.
When something stretches us, we shirk it.
When something convicts us, we shy away from it.
When something threatens to change us, we shun it.
It’s our human nature, certainly.
That makes it sound okay, doesn’t it? Like it’s not so bad, really.
But the thing is, human nature bears nothing of the supernatural.
And I don’t know about you, but supernatural is what I long for. It’s what I seek after. It’s what I crave.
I’ve gotten the briefest glimpses of my God, and they left me wanting to see more and more of HIM until HE is all I see. Ever. And always!
Until my view of everything and everyone else and especially myself fades away.
And call me crazy, but I just don’t think God works much inside the realm of the comfortable. Correct me if I’m wrong (and I really do mean that), but when I look at His Word and I find where He works, it’s usually in outrageous ways. Or humble ways. Or startling ways.
But never in comfortable ones.
It’s why Jesus asked His disciples to leave their professions and their families and their very lives behind and follow Him. Because He wanted to take them so far beyond fishing boats and tax ledgers. He wanted to take them further than they ever thought possible in their wildest dreams.
He wanted to take them away from comfortable…
to supernatural.
It’s why Paul said he had learned in whatever state he was in to be content (Philippians 4, II Corinthians 11).
Yes, even in beatings almost to the point of death…while I complain about my head cold.
Even in frequent and distant journeys…while I refuse to travel outside my comfort zone.
Even in many sleepless nights…while I become frustrated when my schedule doesn’t allow for the nap I “need.”
Yes, also in shipwrecks…while I grow fearful over the storm cloud I see looming on life’s horizon.
Even in lack of food and drink and shelter…while I get irritated when the restaurant runs out of the dessert I wanted.
Maybe, just maybe, this is part of the reason why we’re mocked as hypocrites. Because we thump on the same Bibles that tell us to forsake all and follow Him while we’re forsaking nothing and following ourselves.
Maybe that’s also part of the reason why our churches are riddled with immorality and our homes are plagued with devastation. Because the straight and narrow path that leads to life is an uncomfortable one and a self-denying one and a take-up-your-cross-and-do-the-hard-thing one.
Maybe that’s part of the reason why we’re not leaving our mark on the world. (Or rather, why we’re not leaving Jesus Christ’s mark on the world.) Because to leave your mark on something, you have to be different from it. And instead of being different from our world, we’re just joining right in the world’s chase after comfortable.
And that mark we’re supposed to leave on the world? I have a feeling it looks a whole lot like a cross.
But guess what. We can’t leave the cross’s mark unless we’re carrying it.
Will you carry that cross all over this comfort-chasing world (and maybe even your comfort-chasing church) and make your mark with it wherever you go?
Or will you forsake the supernatural…
and stay comfortable?
Written by Jennifer Clarke
Caitlin says
Gave me tons to think about. Thank you! And I will be sharing this with others as well. 🙂
Jennifer Clarke says
Hi, Caitlin! I’m glad you found some value here. And thank you for taking the time to share it with others, too! It means more to me than you know. May God stoke our hearts to burn more hotly for Him!
Peggy says
I love this, and have thought it many times in my own mind before. God is gracious enough to forgive our selfishness, but that doesn’t mean we can wallow there. It’s hard to lay aside comforts, because the society around us is so very self orientated, it’s mingled into our churches, meetings and relationships. It’s something I’ve tried to prevent, with limited success, in my own home. But I keep on keeping on!
Jennifer Clarke says
I love your point about God’s forgiveness not equating to permission, Peggy. It reminds me of Paul’s exhortation that we shouldn’t view God’s grace as a license to continue in sin (Romans 6). I suspect that overcoming our cravings for comfort will be an ongoing struggle — but I’m grateful for the understanding that struggle is a sign of growth, and so will be worthwhile in the end. Thank you for reading, and for sharing from your heart!
Barbara Schaller says
Love your thoughts…they are , of late, the cry of my heart as well…I desire to be all that God created me to do and to intensify the pursuit of Him alone!! So timely that I would have found your blog….hmmmm… 🙂 God Bless, Jennifer!!
Jennifer Clarke says
Welcome, Barbara! I’m so glad you found me, and that you’ve found a kindred spirit here. 🙂 I look forward to more interactions with you in the future, as we spur one another on toward love and good works. Blessings, friend!
Kathy says
Jennifer, I just came across your website today! Reading “Enough Already”…..well I felt you wrote that for me! My biggest fear of stepping out of my comfort zone is just that …. fear! Most all my adult life I have let fear paralyze me from becoming who God wants me to be…..maybe as you stated…it’s feeling God moving me…and it’s uncomfortable! I can’t leave the cross’s mark if I don’t pick it up and carry it! Thank you for this article…powerful message!
Jennifer Clarke says
Welcome, Kathy! I’m touched that this message resonated with you. Thank you for leaving this kind note. May our God grant us the grace to carry the cross boldly!
Moira says
That is so powerful – really needed to hear/read it. Thank you
Jennifer Clarke says
I’m glad it encouraged you, Moira. May God continue to bless you!
Julie says
So true! Sharing this. It’s way too important not to!
Jennifer Clarke says
Thanks so much for reading and for sharing, Julie. I appreciate your taking the time to get in touch and to leave this kind word. 🙂