Here we are, at another year’s end.
Has God shown Himself faithful in your life in 2014?
I already know the answer is yes.
Because our God can’t be not faithful, can He?
Perhaps you’ve enjoyed a year of blatant blessings. The kind you don’t have to look for beneath a disguise, because they’re parading around rather boldly.
Maybe you’ve endured a year of heartache and trial. You feel as though life has knocked you over and then proceeded to beat you while you were down.
Quite possibly, 2014 has been a mixed bag of easy and hard, good and bad, sunny and stormy.
One thing I know: if you’ve claimed God as your own through a relationship with His Son, Jesus Christ, God has been with you every moment of every day.
You’ve never walked alone.
Today I’m incredibly grateful for the true privilege and joy of stewarding this tiny corner of cyberspace called A Divine Encounter.
I’m blown away by what He continues to teach me about who He is and how He wants to encounter me and you and all people everywhere.
I’m thankful for the relationships He has allowed me to build here, through your comments, emails, and interaction on the blog’s Facebook page.
I’m struck by your insights.
I’m humbled by your attentiveness.
I’m touched by your devotion to our Lord.
In honor of His work in and through the blog in 2014, I’d like to share the three most popular posts of 2014. I hope they inspire you and uplift you, as they have me.
So here they are, beginning with number three and counting down…
(because let’s be honest, a countdown is always fun and it’s usually preferable to save the best for last):
Best Devotionals 2014
#3 Fresh Wind -Does your time with God ever become routine? This post offers 7 ideas for cultivating a fresh relationship with God.
#2 God Still Wins – This honest post reveals my often-weak efforts to serve God, particularly in foster parenting. Can God use sinners to accomplish His purposes?
And the most popular post of 2014:
#1 A Hard Climb – Sometimes life is hard, even for Christians. How can we hang on? Where do we find hope? This uplifting post offers hope for hard times, based on a personal experience.
Thank you for allowing me to share your journey, friend, and for sharing in mine. You bless me, and I look forward to watching God work in us both in the upcoming year.
Thank you, Jennifer, for all the beautiful, refreshing posts. And thank you for your friendship, encouragement and prayers. May your blessings multiply in the new year!
It’s always a true joy to hear from you, Moira! I’m grateful to you for reaching out to me this year, and for allowing me the opportunity to share our lives a bit. ((Hugs!))